Multicultural Congregational Development: Worship, Leadership, and Community Development
by Melissa Hinnen (United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries — July 29, 2011)
Using the story of Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10 as an illustration of crossing boundaries in ministry, Doug Cunningham and Dionisio Salazar led a diverse group of church leaders through three sessions at the School of Congregational Development about how to build a multicultural congregation. Participants included representation from clergy, laity, conferences, local churches, agencies, and district levels of the UMC who were interested in sharing ideas and learning meaningful ways to build multicultural community in their churches.
... The group discussed challenges they are facing in their congregations. One pastor explained that while some see a "black" church when they look at his congregation, the reality is that his church is multicultural, with people from Africa, the Caribbean, and different economic backgrounds, as well as African-Americans. There is a richness of experience, but also a need to understand the dynamics at work among the different cultures and the heritage they each bring that blend into a fullness of worship.
See the full article at with insights on Building a Hispanic/Latino Ministry and Acts 2:1-6 as a Model for Boundary Crossing