Multiethnic.Church provides an unabridged hub for all the information we can find about planting, developing, and transitioning multiethnic churches. Multiethnic.Church shares resources and links freely with the "Capital C" Church. Multiethnic.Church exists as an open-source collaborative initiative because the work for developing multiethnic churches is more than any one organization (except the Body of Christ) or one person (except for Jesus Christ) can accomplish. Would you like to collaborate on Multiethnic.Church?
What counts as a multi-ethnic church?
Other definitions for multiethnic put the ratio at: no more than 70% of one race; or, no more than 60% of one race.
How diversified are churches in the United States?
“… multiracial congregations (using the 20% or more minority criteria) had nearly doubled in the past decade to 13.7 % … in 2010, 12.5% of all Protestant Christian churches and 27.1% of other Christian churches (Catholic/Orthodox) were multiracial.
Multiracial Mainline Protestant churches accounted for 7.4% of their total, while 14.4% of Evangelical Protestant congregations were multiracial.” (via 2010 Faith Communities Today study cf. U.S. Church Diversity has nearly doubled from 1998 to 2010) See more statistics @
back story to
DJ Chuang was inspired at the Exponential East 2015 Pre-Conference about Multiethnic Churches by the questions and ideas that surfaced towards the end of the discussions. This website would love to be a central hub to make it easy to find all the available resources by networks, denominations, publishers, thought leaders, and other valuable sources to empower the multiethnic church.
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