An unabridged list of multiethnic church resource links. Please contribute and add other resources to make this more comprehensive.
BridgeLeader Network
Fellowship of European International Churches
Mosaix Global Network
Multicultural Worship Leaders Network
New City Network
The New City Network
Transform Minnesota
Dream of Destiny
Ethnic Harvest
Ethnic to Ethnic Ministries
Face to Face Intercultural
Kingdom Reflections Multi-Ethnic Worship Ministries
Praise Hands
Proskuneo Ministries
ReNew Partnerships
The Reconciled Church
Dallas Theological Seminary's DMin Multicultural Ministry
EFCA All People Initiative
Multi-Ethnic Programs & Development @ Biola University
Multiethnic Church Leadership program at Northern Seminary
Multiethnic Ministries of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (PCUSA)
The Wesleyan Church's Multi-Ethnic Ministries
Unity One Multicultural Worship