Latino Pastor Josue Urrutia Leads a Multi-Cultural Community

Young Pastor a Bridge for Multi-Ethnic Community
by Heather Sells, CBN News Reporter (Christian Broadcasting Network News - December 31, 2014)

WASHINGTON -- Latinos in the United States are expected to triple in size by the year 2050, when they'll make up close to 30 percent of the population.

That trend is one reason why so many denominations are focused on Hispanics as a key to church growth.

It's also why a young Latino preacher in Washington, D.C., is drawing attention with his cutting-edge ministry.

He's just 25 years old, but Josue Urrutia is already an experienced pastor and rising star in the rapidly growing Hispanic evangelical church movement.

"God has spoken to me about a pastoral calling all the way as far as I can remember, maybe 5 years old. But I planned for it to be something down the road," Urrutia told CBN News.

God had other plans. At age 19, he called Urrutia into the ministry to start a very different kind of Hispanic church.

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