A Church for All People: Worshipping Together as a Multi-Ethnic Congregation
Albert Tate, Pastor, Fellowship Monrovia Church
Albert Tate: A Church for All People [SCORR Conference]
2015 Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation Conference (Biola University - February 20-21, 2015)
As our nation continues to grow more diverse in its population, many are asking the question, “How will the church respond?” Three years ago Pastor Albert Tate followed his vision to plant a church that would reflect the multi-ethnic diversity of Southern California. Today, the fruition of this vision is Fellowship Monrovia Church. Join Albert Tate as he unfolds the biblical basis for the local church to embrace multi-ethnic diversity, what steps led to the planting of the church, and what are the crucial elements that make for a church to be a place where “a multitude from every tribe, people and nation” can worship as one an a weekly basis.
ALBERT TATE is a fifteen-year veteran who has taught and served in a variety of strategic pastoral leadership positions. Because of his vision and commitment to the Gospel, Albert also serves on the Board of Trustees at Azusa Pacific University, the Fuller Youth Institute Advisory Council, and the Board of Directors at Forest Home Ministries. In 2011, with support and affirmation from several mentors and ministry partners and an undeniable call from God, Albert and his family began the adventure of planting FELLOWSHIP, Gospel-centered, multicultural, intergenerational community. Albert’s genuine love for the Gospel, God’s people, and his dedication to mobilizing the Church, gave him the ingredients needed to strike up this adventure. People of all ages have experienced the transforming power of the Gospel through his dynamic speaking which captures both humor and convicting challenge at the same time. The church meets in the Monrovia High School, and has experienced His hand of blessing and growth with over 1500 attending on any given Sunday. As for his family, Albert and LaRosa are still honeymooning after ten years of marriage, and they are proud parents of two beautiful elementary age daughters, Zoe & Bethany, and a delightful toddler son, Isaac.