How multiethnic churches are a recipe for conflict and slow ministry

Thinking Through the Multicultural Church: Just because your church looks diverse doesn't mean it is diverse.
by Ed Stetzer (The Exchange blog at Christianity Today — December 2013)

... just because your church looks diverse doesn't mean it is diverse. One of the things I have said is that often pastors who say they have multiCULTURAL churches really have multiRACIAL churches. Both are good, but being multicultural is much harder than being multiracial.

You can be multiracial if you simply have "persons of color" who attend your church. They may work in the same places, go to the same movies, eat in the same restaurants, but they happen to be persons of African-American, Asian, Anglo, or even Latino descent. They are not necessarily steeped in a culture, but have assimilated to a common culture (or Orange County, or Manhattan, for example).

However, a multicultural church is not simply about skin tone, but about the intentional engagement of cultures.

Read the full article with Ed Stetzer's four takeaways from the Mosaix' 2nd National Multi-ethnic Church Conference 2013 at

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